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Disability Incarcerated

With an interdisciplinary focus, this book makes crucial connections between disability studies and the study of incarceration while expanding theoretical boundaries of each discipline.


This ground-breaking title is the only book-length work in disability studies or prison/incarceration studies that covers the geographical, temporal, and disciplinary areas highlighted in this collection.

Disability Incarcerated gathers thirteen contributions from an impressive array of fields. Taken together, these essays assert that a complex understanding of disability is crucial to an understanding of incarceration, and that we must expand what has come to be called 'incarceration.' The chapters in this book examine a host of sites, such as prisons, institutions for people with developmental disabilities, psychiatric hospitals, treatment centers, special education, detention centers, and group homes; explore why various sites should be understood as incarceration; and discuss the causes and effects of these sites historically and currently. This volume includes a preface by Professor Angela Y. Davis and an afterword by Professor Robert McRuer.

Book cover of Disability Incarcerated by Liat Ben-Moshe. This cover shows an abstract blue, black, and white drawing that depicts interlocking thorns and branches. The title "Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada" is in white text overlaying a maroon square.

"Disability Incarcerated challenges both scholarship and activism around the prison industrial complex by demonstrating how disability is central to systems of incarceration. It further shows how the build-up of the prison nation is not just around policing race and gender, but simultaneously policing disability. This book thus highlights how race, colonialism, and gender operate through disability. An amazing collection."


- Andrea Smith, Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, University of California, Riverside, USA

"Disability Incarcerated constitutes a major contribution to critical disability and penal studies, joining the two as no other book does . . . Only now and then does a work of scholarship so ground-breaking, so well theorized, and so daring appear on the scene. And seldom do we come across an anthology destined to become a classic."


- Canadian Journal of Disability Studies

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